The West Suburbs include west suburban Cook County, as well as DuPage and Kane counties.
Get the latest updates on active transportation issues in the West Suburbs below and make sure to join our In Your Community: West Suburbs e-newsletter list. The e-newsletter comes out quarterly and offers a quick read on issues related to bicycling, walking and transit in your area.
If you are interested in learning more about any of the information provided on this page, please feel free to contact Maggie Melin at [email protected] or 312-216-0475.
Latest News:
The Walk Batavia/Bike Batavia mini-documentary is here!
Villa Park unanimously approves Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
Bike Walk Education in Schools Act passes the Illinois House and Senate
‘Tis the season to enjoy the outdoors!
We’re looking for Active Trans Ambassadors from the suburbs
Advocates inspire bicycling in Elk Grove Village
Kids ride free on Metra this summer
Bike Walk Socials in the suburbs
Local Advocacy Groups & Bike Clubs:
Aurora Bicycle, Pedestrian & Transit Advisory Board
Bike Walk Bartlett (Facebook Group)
Bike Walk Oak Park (Facebook Group)
Brookfield Bikes! (Facebook Group)
Elgin Bike & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (website), Elgin BPAC (Facebook Page)
Elgin Bike Hub (website), Elgin Bike Hub (Facebook Page)
Friends of Cycling in Elk Grove
Illinois Prairie Path (not-for-profit)
More Bike Lanes in Aurora, IL (Facebook Group)
Trails Linking Communities (Facebook Group)
Walk Batavia (Facebook Page)
Wheaton's Adventure Bicycle Club
The Walk Batavia/Bike Batavia mini-documentary is here!
Check out this fantastic mini-documentary about walking and biking in Batavia, produced by Walk Batavia/Bike Batavia. It features local business owners, city employees and Batavia residents, who walk and bike ride around town and explore their community from a new point of view.
Villa Park unanimously approves Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
Congratulations to the Village of Villa Park for adopting its Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan in May. Active Trans partnered with the village to develop the plan, which focuses on improving sidewalks and intersections for pedestrians; developing a bicycle network; and creating better connections to existing trails, such as the Illinois Prairie Path, Great Western Trail, Salt Creek Trail and other local destinations.
Bike Walk Education in Schools Act passes the Illinois House and Senate
We’re happy to report that the Illinois House and Senate passed the Illinois Bike Walk Education in Schools Act this spring. This bill would add biking and walking safety education to the school curriculum in Illinois. Next, the bill moves to Gov. Bruce Rauner for his signature. Thank you to the hundreds of supporters who contacted their legislators to push for passage of this bill. Stay tuned for more opportunities to take action.
‘Tis the season to enjoy the outdoors!
Local advocacy groups, bike clubs, schools, towns and Active Trans are organizing fun biking and walking events around the region this summer:
- June 15-29: During the Bike Commuter Challenge, workplaces across the region compete to get the most employees biking to work. Both new and experienced riders are encouraged to participate!
- June 16: The East Branch DuPage River Trail visioning bike ride + picnic will take place at 11 a.m. Meet at the Prairie Path in Downtown Glen Ellyn by the US Bank.
- June 26: Join DuPage County Chairman Dan Cronin, DuPage County Board members and other bicycle enthusiasts at 7 a.m. as they bike to work from Elmhurst to the county campus. Email [email protected] if you're interested in participating in the ride.
- Other ride and events: Check out the calendars of your local advocacy groups and bike clubs, including the Elmhurst Bicycling Club, Oak Park Cycle Club and NW Suburbs Shared Club Ride Calendar (Bike Palatine, Friends of Cycling in Elk Grove and Schaumburg Bicycle Club).
- And in case you missed it, check out photos from MB Bike the Drive!
We’re looking for Active Trans Ambassadors from the suburbs
Want to represent Active Trans at future suburban events and help us spread the message about the importance of walking, biking and public transit to residents throughout the region? We’re training volunteers interested in becoming Active Trans Ambassadors. Those who complete the training sessions will receive special, limited- edition Active Trans Ambassador T-shirts. If you’re interested in learning more, please email [email protected]. Photo credit: James Lamb.
Advocates inspire bicycling in Elk Grove Village
One of the first steps to building a local movement is connecting with like-minded individuals in the community who also want to see safer, more comfortable transportation options. Organized events can be a great way to create this connection. We spoke to Dave Simmons from Friends of Cycling in Elk Groveabout his group’s experience organizing bike pit stops in Busse Woods to encourage bike safety and good trail etiquette – an idea that could easily be replicated throughout the region.
Palatine’s Bike to School Day
Bike Palatine and Palatine’s School District 15 teamed up again this May for National Bike to School Day. Thirteen schools in Palatine participated with an impressive 1,480 student riders. Check out resources from the National Center for Safe Routes to School if you’d like your school to get involved in the next Bike to School Day in May or International Walk to School Day in October.
Kids ride free on Metra this summer
Metra is now offering free rides to children age 11 and under who are accompanied by an adult between now and Labor Day. Check out the Metra website for a list of fun events and activities that you and your family can reach by train in June.
Bike Walk Socials in the suburbs
As part of our Bike Walk Every Town suburban advocacy program, this spring Active Trans teamed up with advocates in Glen Ellyn and Friends of Cycling in the northwest suburb of Elk Grove to host two Bike Walk Socials. Nearly 40 advocates and residents curious about improving biking and walking in their communities got the chance to mingle and network with like-minded folks. Visit our Bike Walk Every Town website for more information and future networking events.
Advocacy training webinars
As part of our Bike Walk Every Town advocacy program, we host lunch time webinars on how you can organize and create change in your community. Visit activetrans.org/bikewalkeverytown to register for our upcoming trainings, including our webinar on June 21 on event organizing ideas and tips. Check out the recordings of our most recent webinars:
Election Advocacy Strategies
Communication Strategies and Messaging
Outreach Strategies and Petition Writing
How to Organize a Pop-Up Event
Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Council (BPAC) Panel Discussion
Local Community Resources
DuPage County Trails and Bikeways
Kane Kendall County Council of Mayors
Suburban Bikeways for All report
Trails Linking Communities (Facebook page) – stay updated on local and regional trial and bikeway news
West Suburban Municipal Conference
Please email suggestions for additional local community resources to [email protected].